• 隐私策略











    (1) 非公務機關名稱。


    (2) 蒐集之目的。


    (3) 個人資料之類別。


    (4) 個人資料利用之期間、地區、對象及方式。


    (5) 當事人依個資法第三條規定得行使之權利及方式。


    (6) 當事人得自由選擇提供個人資料時,不提供將對其權益之影響。






    第一條 適用範圍




    第二條 蒐集資料之類別


    本公司可能蒐集之個人資料類別 (詳參法務部-個人資料保護法之特定目的及個人資料之類別) :


    I. 辨識個人者(C001):




    II. 辨識財務用者(C002):




    III. 政府資料中之辨識者(C003):




    IV. 個人描述者(C011):




    V. 書面文件之檢索者(C131):




    VI. 未分類之資料者(C132):




    第三條 蒐集資料之種類




    I. 進行遊戲之資訊:




    II. 遊戲運作之資訊:




    III. 線上交易之資訊:




    IV. 客戶服務、支援之聯繫資訊:




    V. 推廣活動和客戶調查之聯繫資訊:




    VI. Cookies:




    VII. 瀏覽網頁之資訊:




    VIII. 您基於使用本公司服務而主動提供之資訊。


    IX. 其他使用者基於使用本公司服務而主動提供關於您的資訊。


    X. 其他:




    第四條 特定目的


    I. 本公司將為下列目的使用您的資訊(詳參法務部-個人資料保護法之特定目的及個人資料之類別):


    一、 〇四:行銷(包含合作廠商共同行銷業務)。


    二、 六三:非公務機關依法定義務所進行個人資料之蒐集處理及利用。


    三、 六九:契約、類似契約或其他法律關係事務。


    四、 :消費者、客戶管理與服務。


    五、 九一:消費者保護。


    六、 九八:商業與技術資訊。


    七、 一二九:會計與相關服務。


    八、 一三五:資(通)訊服務。


    九、 一三六:資(通)訊與資料庫管理。


    十、 一三七:資通安全與管理。


    十一、 一四八:網路購物及其他電子商務服務。


    十二、 一五:輔助性與後勤支援管理。


    十三、 一五七:調查、統計與研究分析。


    十四、 一七三:其他公務機關對目的事業之監督管理。


    十五、 一八一:其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務。


    十六、 一八二:其他諮詢與顧問服務。


    II. 用於履行本公司所提供之服務:




    III. 用於解決用戶疑難或消費爭議:




    IV. 提供、維護和改進本公司服務,並開發新服務:


    i. 本公司可能使用蒐集之資訊來操作、維護、增強、提供、創建、開發平台和其他相關服務,以及自動更新用戶系統上之應用程序,並記住您的用戶信息,以便您在訪問期間或下次訪問本公司服務時不必重新輸入。


    ii. 本公司可能使用蒐集之資訊來幫助本公司開發新服務。


    V. 與用戶溝通:




    VI. 提供個性化服務,包括內容、推廣、推薦、行銷、活動訊息通知及與您發展各式商業關係等商業訊息傳遞寄發:




    VII. 統計與分析:


    i. 您在執行遊戲服務時,本公司將會自動蒐集您使用設備之相關資訊,並作為您個人遊戲習慣及消費行為分析之用,以改善服務、設計會員活動、遊戲內容優化、行銷活動、研發新產品與服務等之依據。並且,本公司針對您申請遊戲帳號時所取得的資料,以及站內瀏覽時伺服器所產生的紀錄,將不定期進行總體會員行為分析與統計,惟此處之分析不會針對個人行為進行。


    ii. 為提升服務品質,本公司可能會出於銷售、獎勵或為了讓您擁有更廣泛、完整的服務而使用、共享或披露蒐集之資訊予本公司、本公司關係企業或合作、協力廠商進行市場分析、統計或調查。


    VIII. 遵守適用法律,履行法定義務。


    IX. 本公司不會主動蒐集或處理特種個人資料(如病歷、醫療、基因、性生活、健康檢查及犯罪前科等)。如果基於合法的理由而需處理特種個人資料,我們將遵循相關法律(如個資法第6條但書)規定。當您提供特種個人資料予本公司時,請先確認您在法律上有權向我們揭露該項資訊。


    X. 隨著公司的轉變與成長,本公司有可能買賣公司、子公司、產品或資產。在這些交易中,客戶資料通常屬於所移轉商業資產的一部分,若本公司進行某一商業交易的轉移作業時(例如被其他公司合併、購併或出售產品或資產的全部或部分),您的個人資料將可能被隨同移轉;惟限於與該經營權轉換服務相關之個人資料。


    第五條 利用之期間、地區、對象及方式


    I. 期間:


    i. 用戶資料將於本公司服務之營運期間內使用,至您要求停止使用或該服務終止之日。


    ii. 依相關法令所規定、因執行法定業務所必須之保存期間或依個別契約就資料之保存所定之保存年限(上開期間或保存年限,以最長者為準)。


    II. 對象:


    i. 本公司、本公司關係企業或合作、協力廠商及其人員(指任何股東、董事、顧問、高級職員、僱員、僱員或其他人員,以及其他專業、財務、法律或會計顧問)。


    ii. 依法律規定或經法律授權之公務及非公務機關。


    iii. 其他經您同意之對象。


    iv. 本公司所使用之社群媒體或軟體服務供應商(例如:Facebook、LINE、Instagram、YouTube、Discord、Google等)。


    III. 地區:




    IV. 方式:




    第六條 您得行使之權利及方式


    I. 依據個資法第3條規定,您就本公司保有之您的個人資料得行使下列權利:


    i. 得向本公司查詢、請求閱覽或請求製給複製本,而本公司依法得酌收必要成本費用。


    ii. 得向本公司請求補充或更正。惟依個人資料保護法施行細則第19條規定,您應為適當之釋明其原因及事實。


    iii. 得向本公司請求停止蒐集、處理或利用及請求刪除。


    iv. 依個資法第11條第2項規定,個人資料正確性有爭議者,得向本公司請求停止處理或利用您個人資料。惟依該項但書規定,本公司因執行業務所必須或經您書面同意並註明其爭議者,不在此限。


    v. 依個資法第11條第3項規定,個人資料蒐集之特定目的消失或期限屆滿時,得向本公司請求刪除、停止處理或利用您之個人資料。惟依該項但書規定,本公司因執行業務所必須或經您書面同意者,不在此限。


    vi. 本公司如有違反個資法規定蒐集、處理或利用您之個人資料,依個資法第11條第4項規定,您得向本公司請求停止蒐集。


    II. 若您不符合本公司申請程序或法令另有規定時,以上權利將會受到限制。


    III. 如您欲行使本條第一項之權利,需完成以下程序:


    i. 應填妥申請文件。


    ii. 當事人應向本公司提出可茲確認之身分證明文件。


    iii. 本公司得就您提出之請求酌收必要成本費用。


    iv. 若委託他人代為申請者,應出具委任書,且提供本人及代理人之身分證明文件。


    第七條 您得自由提供個人資料時,若不提供,將對您權益所生之影響




    第八條 個人資料之維護


    I. 關於您的個人資料,本公司將盡力以適當、合理之技術及措施維護您的資料安全,並依相關法令辦理安全維護事項,防止您的個人資料被竊取、竄改、毀損、滅失或洩漏。


    II. 本公司依本政策有義務保護各會員隱私,非經您本人同意不會自行修改或刪除任何個人資料及檔案。


    III. 除本政策、其他適用之隱私政策修訂中已有說明,或有下列情形外,本公司不會向任何其他人出借或出售您的個人資料,或與之分享:


    i. 經由合法之途徑。


    ii. 為保護本公司網站各相關單位之權益。


    iii. 配合司法單位合法之調查。


    iv. 配合相關職權機關依職務需要之調查或使用。


    v. 基於善意相信揭露為法律需要,或為維護和改進網站服務而用於管理。


    vi. 為免除您生命、身體、自由或財產上之危險。


    vii. 在緊急情況下為維護其他用戶或第三人之人身安全。


    IV. 本公司無法擔保您的資訊在系統傳輸或儲存過程中百分之百安全,為了保護您的帳戶及個人資料的安全,請您不要任意將個人帳號、密碼提供予第三人或允許第三人以您的個人資料申請帳號、密碼,否則,相關責任由您自行負擔。若您的帳號、密碼有外洩之虞,請您立即更改密碼,或通知本公司暫停該帳號(本公司可能會要求核對您的個人資料)。網際網路並不是一個安全的資訊傳輸環境,請您在使用本網站時,避免將敏感的個人資料提供予他人或在網站上公開揭露。


    第九條 本政策之修改




    第十條 看法與建議




    Privacy Policy

    Shanghai Light Claw Network Technology Co., Ltd. "Personal Data and Privacy Protection Policy"


    This policy will take effect from January 01, 2023 AD


    Hello dear user:


    Shanghai Lightclaw Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the company) attaches great importance to the security of your personal data and the protection of privacy. In order to protect your rights, this personal data and privacy protection policy (hereinafter referred to as this policy) is hereby formulated, and In accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the Personal Data Act), inform the following matters before collection:


    (1) The name of the non-government agency.


    (2) The purpose of collection.


    (3) Categories of personal data.


    (4) The period, region, object and method of personal data utilization.


    (5) The rights and methods that the parties can exercise in accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Information Act.


    (6) When the parties are free to choose to provide personal information, not providing it will affect their rights and interests.


    Before registering and logging in to the relevant games and services provided by the company, please review and agree to the user agreement of the company, and read and agree to this policy on this website. To remind you, if you register to log in to the services provided by the company, according to the provisions of the user agreement (or user terms), it is deemed that you have reviewed, understood and agreed to this policy. The company has the right to modify, change, and supplement this policy at any time, and when the company publishes the revised, changed, and supplemented content, the updated content will take effect immediately. Please browse this website and related notices or announcements regularly; If there is any substantial change in the revised version, the company will release an update message on the company's website 30 days in advance. After the 30-day period expires, the company will officially implement the aforementioned privacy policy. If you continue to use the services provided by the company , you will be deemed to have read, understood and agreed to accept all modifications.


    We hereby remind you that if you are under the age of 18, please have your legal representative agree to this Policy and User Agreement on your behalf. If you are under 7 years old, please have your parents, guardians, caregivers or your legal representative review and agree to this Policy and User Agreement on your behalf, and register and log in on your behalf. Remind you again, if you complete the registration and login, it is deemed that you have fully understood, known and agreed to this policy and user agreement, please be cautious.


    Article 1 Scope of application


    When you use the services provided by the company, this policy applies to the collection, processing, and utilization of your personal data; however, it does not apply to websites or webpages operated by third parties linked to the company's website or services, Regarding third-party services, the privacy policy of each third-party website applies, and the company does not assume any joint and several liability.


    Article 2 Types of Data Collected


    The categories of personal data that the company may collect (for details, refer to the Ministry of Justice - the specific purpose of the Personal Data Protection Act and the categories of personal data):


    I. Individual Identifier (C001):


    Name, job title, residential address, work address, previous address, home phone number, mobile phone number, instant messaging account, account number applied for on the Internet platform, correspondence and household registration address, photo, fingerprint, e-mail address, electronic signature, certificate card serial number , certificate serial number, record of providing online identity authentication or application inquiry service, and any other identifiable information about the person himself.


    II. Identify financial users (C002):


    Financial institution account number and name, credit card or debit card number, insurance policy number, other personal numbers or accounts, etc.


    III. Identifiers in government data (C003):


    ID card number, unified card number, tax registration number, insurance certificate number, disability handbook number, retirement certificate number, license number, passport number, etc.


    IV. Personal Descriptor (C011):


    Age, gender, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, voice, etc.


    V. Retrieval of Written Documents (C131):


    Indexes or codes of written documents that have not been processed by automated machines, etc.


    VI. Unclassified information (C132):


    Unclassifiable letters, files, reports or e-mails, etc.


    Article 3 Types of Data Collected


    In order to provide services to you, the company will collect and use the following types of information (limited to those actually obtained):


    I. Information for playing games:


    In order for you to log in and play the game, the company will collect specific information provided by you, including name, nickname, ID number, telephone number, email address, residential area, language setting and other necessary information.


    II. Information on game operation:


    In order to maintain game operation and service quality, information about your computer hardware, software and mobile phone devices, mobile devices and connection environment may also be collected, including your IP address, product model, operating system, and network services Track data such as provider, browser type, login time, usage time, website address/record, game content, purchase record, prize record, relationship with players, etc.


    III. Information on online transactions:


    In order to ensure the completion of consumer services such as payment and stored value, when using online transaction services, we will collect the order-related information and credit card information you filled out according to the online transaction form you proposed. The company will only use your credit card information for the purpose of processing your purchase or use of the company's fee-based services; however, the company will not retain your credit card information because your credit card payment will be processed by the appropriate payment institution.


    IV. Contact information for customer service and support:


    If you contact the company through the contact form provided by the company or other means, the company can obtain and save any information you choose to provide, including your name, E-mail account number and telephone number and other contact information, as well as equipment type and operation Information about your mobile device or personal computer, such as system type. The company will use this information to provide support to you and improve the company's customer support services.


    V. Contact information for promotions and customer surveys:


    If you participate in the activities or surveys provided by the company from time to time, the company may collect any information you choose to provide, including but not limited to name, postal address, phone number, E-Mail account number, gender and date of birth, etc.


    VI. Cookies:


    Cookies can remember your preferences and usage habits when you return to the website, and automatically adjust the displayed content to improve your user experience. The information collected by the Company through the use of Cookies includes: website management, activity records, website usage dynamics, etc. If you do not want to accept the writing of Cookies, you can change the Cookies settings or set the privacy level to high through your browser settings, but please note that turning off Cookies may cause some functions of the website to not function properly.


    VII. Information on browsing the webpage:


    In order to improve the service quality of the company, when you browse or query on the company's website or its affiliated websites, the company's server will automatically record the IP location, time and browsing records of your connection. These data are only used for statistical analysis of traffic and optimization of network services. They are only for aggregate analysis and will not be associated with specific individuals.


    VIII. Information you voluntarily provide based on your use of our services.


    IX. Other users actively provide information about you based on the use of our services.


    X. Other:


    In addition to the personal data you provide directly, you may also actively provide personal data at the company's partner vendors, and provide your personal data to the company with your consent or for the purpose of fulfilling the contract. If you connect to a third-party service when you participate in the company's service activities, the company may collect your relevant information on the third-party service. These data will only be used and processed within the scope of your consent or for the performance of the contract, and will not be used for other purposes.


    Article 4 Specific Purpose


    I. The company will use your information for the following purposes (for details, please refer to the Ministry of Justice - the specific purpose of the Personal Data Protection Act and the categories of personal data):


    1. 040: Marketing (including the joint marketing business of cooperative manufacturers).


    2. 063: The collection, processing and utilization of personal data by non-government agencies as required by law.


    3. 069: Contracts, similar contracts or other legal relations.


    4. 090: Consumers, customer management and services.


    V. 091: Consumer protection.


    6. 098: Business and technical information.


    7. 129: Accounting and related services.


    8. 135: Information (communication) services.


    9. 136: Information (communication) communication and database management.


    10. 137: Information security and management.


    11. 148: Online shopping and other e-commerce services.


    12. 150: Auxiliary and logistics support management.


    Thirteen, 157: survey, statistics and research analysis.


    14. 173: Supervision and management of target enterprises by other public agencies.


    15. 181: Other operations that meet the requirements of the business registration items or the articles of association.


    16. 182: Other consulting and consultancy services.


    II. Used to perform the services provided by the company:


    The company may use the collected information to provide, maintain, and improve the applications and related websites developed, operated or managed by the company, and to prevent illegal activities and violations of the user agreement. If you choose to use the online transaction service, the company will collect the order-related information and credit card information you filled in according to the online transaction form you proposed, so as to ensure that you complete consumer services such as payment, stored value or logistics.


    III. To solve user problems or consumer disputes:


    If you ask the company about problems that occur when you use related applications or web services, the company may use the information you provide to solve such problems. If you have a dispute with the company, the company may use your personal information to prove or communicate the relevant situation.


    IV. Provide, maintain and improve the Company's services, and develop new services:


    i. The company may use the collected information to operate, maintain, enhance, provide, create, develop platforms and other related services, as well as automatically update applications on the user's system, and remember your user information so that during your visit Or you don't have to re-enter it the next time you visit our company's services.


    ii. The company may use the collected information to help the company develop new services.


    V. Communicating with users:


    The company may use the collected information (such as user name, phone number, email address, etc.) to communicate and interact with you directly. Including but not limited to: the company may send you notices to inform you about upcoming changes or improvements to the network services, or contact you about any content you post to or download from the network services. Additionally, if you contact the Company, the Company will record your request to help resolve any issues you may face.


    VI. Provide personalized services, including content, promotion, recommendation, marketing, notification of event information, and the delivery of business information such as developing various business relationships with you:


    The company may use the collected information and provide it to the company's affiliates or cooperative and third-party suppliers to provide you with customized network services and improve your experience with network services, including providing information related to the company, the company's affiliates or cooperation and cooperation. Recommendations and promotions related to vendor services, and other relevant content that the company, its affiliates, or cooperative and third-party vendors hope you will find (including but not limited to advertisements, marketing information, event notifications, and developing various businesses with you) In addition, the company may also send you promotional materials or notices related to network services on a regular basis.


    VII. Statistics and Analysis:


    i. When you perform game services, the company will automatically collect relevant information about your equipment, and use it as an analysis of your personal game habits and consumption behaviors to improve services, design membership activities, optimize game content, marketing activities, The basis for research and development of new products and services. In addition, the company will conduct analysis and statistics of overall member behavior from time to time for the data obtained when you apply for a game account and the records generated by the server when browsing the site, but the analysis here will not be carried out on individual behavior.


    ii. In order to improve the service quality, the company may use, share or disclose the collected information to the company, the company's affiliated enterprises, or cooperative and third-party suppliers for sales, rewards, or to allow you to have a wider and complete service. Market analysis, statistics or surveys.


    VIII. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Compliance with Statutory Obligations.


    IX. The company will not actively collect or process special personal data (such as medical records, medical treatment, genes, sex life, health checks and criminal records, etc.). If we need to process special personal data based on legitimate reasons, we will follow relevant laws (such as the proviso to Article 6 of the Personal Information Law). When you provide special personal information to the company, please confirm that you are legally entitled to disclose this information to us.


    X. As the company changes and grows, the company may buy or sell companies, subsidiaries, products or assets. In these transactions, customer information is usually part of the transferred business assets. If the company conducts a transfer operation of a commercial transaction (such as being merged, acquired or sold by other companies, all or part of products or assets), your Personal data may be transferred along with it; however, it is limited to personal data related to the management right conversion service.


    Article 5 Period, Region, Object and Method of Utilization


    I. Period:


    i. User information will be used during the operation period of the company's service until the date you request to stop using it or the service is terminated.


    ii. According to the relevant laws and regulations, the storage period necessary for the execution of statutory business, or the storage period stipulated in individual contracts for data storage (the above-mentioned period or storage period, whichever is the longest).


    II. Objects:


    i. The Company, its affiliated enterprises or cooperation, third parties and their personnel (referring to any shareholders, directors, consultants, officers, employees, employees or other personnel, and other professional, financial, legal or accounting advisors).


    ii. Official and non-official agencies prescribed by law or authorized by law.


    iii. Other objects with your consent.


    iv. Social media or software service providers used by the company (for example: Facebook, LINE, Instagram, YouTube, Discord, Google, etc.).


    III. Territory:


    The service area or location of the company, the company's affiliated enterprises or cooperative, third-party vendors, social media or software service providers used by the company, and all related websites and affiliated websites of the company.


    IV. Method:


    Comply with relevant laws and regulations on personal data protection, use automated or other non-automated machines or vehicles for collection, processing, international transmission and use.


    Article 6 The rights and methods you can exercise


    I. According to Article 3 of the Personal Data Law, you can exercise the following rights with respect to your personal data held by the company:


    i. It is possible to inquire about, request to read, or request to make a copy from the company, and the company may charge the necessary costs according to the law.


    ii. You may request supplements or corrections to the Company. However, in accordance with Article 19 of the Implementation Rules of the Personal Data Protection Act, you should properly explain the reasons and facts.


    iii. You may request the company to stop collecting, processing, or using and request deletion.

    iv. In accordance with Article 11, Item 2 of the Personal Data Act, anyone who disputes the accuracy of personal data may request the company to stop processing or using your personal data. However, in accordance with the provisions of the proviso, this is not limited to those that are necessary for the company to perform business or have been agreed by you in writing and indicate the dispute.


    v. According to Article 11, Item 3 of the Personal Data Act, when the specific purpose of personal data collection disappears or the period expires, you may request the company to delete, stop processing or use your personal data. However, in accordance with the provisions of the proviso, this restriction does not apply to the company's business execution or your written consent.


    vi. If the company collects, processes or uses your personal data in violation of the Personal Data Law, you may request the company to stop the collection according to Article 11, Item 4 of the Personal Data Law.


    II. If you do not comply with the company's application procedures or the laws and regulations provide otherwise, the above rights will be restricted.


    III. If you want to exercise the rights in item 1 of this article, you need to complete the following procedures:


    i. Application documents should be completed.


    ii. The parties concerned shall present to the Company an identity document that can be confirmed hereby.


    iii. The company may charge necessary costs for your request.


    iv. If you entrust someone else to apply on your behalf, you should issue a letter of appointment and provide the identity documents of the person and the agent.


    Article 7 When you are free to provide personal information, if you do not provide it, it will affect your rights and interests


    If you fail to provide complete and true personal information, it will affect the company in the following situations: providing services, contacting you, completing transactions, identity verification, handling consumption/transaction/customer complaints or other business. It is recommended that you provide complete personal information and keep it updated. If your failure to provide complete and true personal information causes damage to you and a third party, you should bear full legal responsibility, and if you cause losses to the company, you should also be liable for damages to the company.

    Article 8 Maintenance of personal data


    I. With regard to your personal data, the company will try its best to maintain your data security with appropriate and reasonable technologies and measures, and handle security maintenance matters in accordance with relevant laws and regulations to prevent your personal data from being stolen, tampered with, damaged, lost or leaked .


    II. The company is obliged to protect the privacy of each member in accordance with this policy, and will not modify or delete any personal data and files without your own consent.


    III. Except as stated in this policy, other applicable privacy policy revisions, or under the following circumstances, the company will not lend, sell or share your personal information with any other person:


    i. Through legal channels.


    ii. To protect the rights and interests of all relevant units on the company's website.


    iii. Cooperate with legal investigations by judicial authorities.


    iv. Cooperate with the investigation or use of relevant authorities according to their duties.


    v. Based on the good faith belief that the disclosure is required by law, or used for management to maintain and improve website services.


    vi. To avoid danger to your life, body, liberty or property.


    vii. To maintain the personal safety of other users or third parties in an emergency.


    IV. The company cannot guarantee that your information is 100% safe during system transmission or storage. In order to protect the security of your account and personal information, please do not provide your personal account number and password to a third party or allow a third party to use it. Your personal information applies for an account number and password, otherwise, the relevant responsibilities shall be borne by you. If your account and password are in danger of being leaked, please change the password immediately, or notify the company to suspend the account (the company may ask to check your personal information). The Internet is not a safe environment for information transmission. When using this website, please avoid providing sensitive personal information to others or publicly disclosing it on the website.


    Article 9 Amendments to this Policy


    The company has the right to amend the privacy policy on its own, and the relevant amendments will be announced on this website. In order to protect your rights and interests, please browse this website and relevant notices or announcements regularly. If you continue to use the services provided by the company after the modification or change of this policy, it means that you have reviewed, understood and agreed to accept the modified or changed content of the privacy policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please immediately stop using the Company's website and its associated services.


    Article 10 Views and Suggestions


    If you have any comments or questions about the company's privacy policy or matters related to personal data, please write to: guangzhua@lightpaw.com.

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